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Je t'aime

This Collection is of course about LOVE. Love how I see it, feel it, and experience it in many  different ways, whether real or imagined... You can find here highly spiritual, thought-provoking, abstract, impressionistic, expressionistic, but all very loving pieces.  You can also find some colorful landscapes, cityscapes, beautiful bodies, and many other spiritual and holistic elements that make LOVE so universal, so beautiful, often indescribable, but always amazing, and full of wonder. I hope you will enjoy what I am sharing here with you - the ways I see, feel, and experience Love in so many different unique and wonderful manifestations. 

You can also experience my art "in Interiors" when it is placed on the walls of the living room, bedroom, kitchen, or in your office space, etc. - so you can have a better idea how to place a particular piece of art in your own home. You can see my "Art in Interiors" -   HERE    or   HERE  

 You can view my Galleries in different ways -

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- Click on image for description and full view

Great Expectations.

Great Expectations.

Series "New York I Love You". Acrylic canvas 30"x24"

Sun Shower.

Sun Shower.

2013 Acrylic, canvas 30"x24" $4,500

Enchanting Forest. Series Vermont I Love You

Enchanting Forest. Series Vermont I Love You

Acrylic, Mix Med, canvas 24"x36". SOLD. Available as a giclee or similar original

TimeSlip #2

TimeSlip #2

2014 Acrylic, canvas 30"x24" $3,500

Sacred Pond.

Sacred Pond.

Series "Vermont I Love You". Acrylic, Mix Med canvas 24"x20"

Composition #4. Sensual. Series Moods

Composition #4. Sensual. Series Moods

Acrylic, Mix Med canvas 16"x20"

Parisian Umbrellas

Parisian Umbrellas

2012 Oil, palette knife, canvas 28x22 SOLD. (donated to Private Collection). Available in similar origianal or giclee

Alley of Love

Alley of Love

2012 Oil, canvas 22x28 SOLD. Available as a similar original, limited edition print or giclee

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

2013 Acrylic, mixed media, canvas 36x24 $6,000. Awarded exhibition in LightHouse Art Museum, Tequesta FL



2006 Oil, canvas 30x36 SOLD. Available as a similar original, limited edition print or giclee

Italy. Beautiful Morning.

Italy. Beautiful Morning.

Series "Toscany" . 24"x18" Acrylic canvas. $1800 As a Triptych - $4,800

Italy. Enchanting Evening

Italy. Enchanting Evening

2013 Acrylic, canvas 18x24. $1800 As a Triptych - $4,800 (morning, noon, evening)

Nostalgic Night

Nostalgic Night

Oil Canvas 30"x24" 2008. SALE! $3500

Misty Purple

Misty Purple

2012 Oil, palette knife, canvas 28"x22" $7,500.

Sunflowers 14x11

Sunflowers 14x11

SALE! $850

Sunset Bridge #3. 14x11

Sunset Bridge #3. 14x11

SALE! $750

Big City Lights

Big City Lights

2014. SOLD. Available as a giclee or similar original

Beautiful 14x11

Beautiful 14x11

SALE! $850

Blues. 11x14

Blues. 11x14

SALE! $600

Morning Valley. 12x12

Morning Valley. 12x12

2016. $850

Beautiful Perspectives

Beautiful Perspectives

2012 Oil, canvas 48"x24" $



2012 Oil on canvas 30"x40" SALE! $ 6,000

Poets Walk

Poets Walk

Acrylic canvas, 2011. $

Santorini Mood

Santorini Mood

2012 Oil, canvas 30"x40" SALE! $

Paris in Red

Paris in Red

2012 Acrylic, Mixed media, canvas 36x24. STOLEN. Available as a giclee or similar original

Paris in Pink

Paris in Pink

2012 Acrylic, Mixed media, canvas 36x24 $6,500

Jo de Vivre

Jo de Vivre

2012 Acrylic, Mixed media, canvas 36x24. STOLEN. Available as a giclee or similar original

Tales of My Life

Tales of My Life

Acrylic, texture canvas 48"x48". 2014. NFS (Private Collection)

Good Morning Beautiful

Good Morning Beautiful

2012 Oil, canvas 30"x24" $

Sweet Dreams Honey

Sweet Dreams Honey

2012 Oil, canvas 30"x24" $

One Way Ticket

One Way Ticket

2014 Acrylic, Mixed media, canvas 48"x36" $

Misty Sunrise

Misty Sunrise

Oil on Canvas 22"x28. 2010. SALE! $2900

TimeSlip #1

TimeSlip #1

2013 Acrylic, canvas 24x30 SALE! $2000

Russian Domes

Russian Domes

2006 Oil, canvas 30"x20" SOLD. Available in similar Original, limited edition Print or Giclee

Rainy Foliage

Rainy Foliage

2008 Oil, Acrylic, canvas 22x28 SALE!! $2,500

Old Europe

Old Europe

2010 Acrylic, Oil, canvas 24x18 SALE!!! $1,500

Eternal Love

Eternal Love

2005 Oil, canvas 30"x30". NFS (Private collection) Available in similar original, prints or giclee

Alley of Love

Alley of Love

2012 Oil, palette knife, canvas 22x28 SOLD. Available as a similar original, limited edition prints or giclee

Eternal Dance

Eternal Dance

2012 Acrylic, Mixed media, canvas 40"x30" Collection 'Dance of Energies' SALE! $

Simple Joy

Simple Joy

2005 Oil, canvas 22x28

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