Muses & Music
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This is the first Series of Kagan and Garsot unique collaboration - Muses & Music consists of 10 large
square paintings (48"x48" each), one for each of 10 Muses. This one- of-a kind Series is bright, full of light, complex, spiritual, enigmatic, and just beautiful! Bright vibrant colors, energetically balanced composition, ancient theme, embedded healing messages, and of course, the beauty of the Muses and the Music - all this creates an amazing ambiance full of Light, Love, Beauty, and Healing.
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POLYHYMNIASeries "Muses & Music" Acrylic, Mix Med., canvas 48"x48" | URANIASeries "Muses & Music" Acrylic, Mix Med., canvas 48"x48" | THALIASeries "Muses & Music" Acrylic, Mix Med., canvas 48"x48" |
TERPSICHORESeries "Muses & Music" Acrylic, Mix Med., canvas 48"x48" | POLIHYMNIASeries "Muses & Music" Acrylic, Mix Med., canvas 48"x48" | CLEOSeries "Muses & Music" Acrylic, Mix Med., canvas 48"x48" |
EUTERPESeries "Muses & Music" Acrylic, Mix Med., canvas 48"x48" | MELPOMENESeries "Muses & Music" Acrylic, Mix Med., canvas 48"x48" | ERATOSeries "Muses & Music" Acrylic, Mix Med., canvas 48"x48" |
MNEMOSYNESeries "Muses & Music" Acrylic, Mix Med., canvas 48"x48" |